Worship with us!

 9:00AM Sunday 
We are gathering  together in our sanctuary for worship at 9:00 on Sunday mornings.  Join us if you are able. 
Click Here to watch worship service.
Wednesdays Faith Formation & Confirmation
5:30 pm Dinner
6:00 pm Class
6:55 pm Worship
Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 26th, following worship. We will be discussing the future of FELC.
Lunch Bunch
Join us on Tuesday,
January 14th,
at noon!
Hope to see you there!

FELC Church Office Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday: 9:00am-Noon
Please always feel free to call and leave a message; someone will get back to you.
 The church council will monitor the COVID-19 situation in our area and reassess our policies as they feel appropriate.

Stay Connected

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
420 Read Street
Walworth WI 53184
(262) 275-3445
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The information on this site is the property of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church.