Faith Formation 

Youth Education
Faith Formation
These are free classes open to all children regardless of ability, identity, or church affiliation.
Faith Formation/Confirmation Wednesday schedule:
Meal: 5:30pm
Class: 6:00
Family Worship: 6:55
September 11, 2024 -April 30, 2025
Confirmation class is typically for students 7th-9th grade who are interested in affirming their belief in the ELCA Lutheran Church.
If you are interested in our Confirmation program please contact the church office or Pastor Lily.
CHAOS (Christ Honoring And Others Serving) is a youth group open to all high school students.
Next CHAOS Breakfast: February 4th at 7:10 am
Please contact Pastor Lily for more information.
Follow us on Instagram @chaos_felc
Adult Education
Wine and Word
Women’s Book Group
Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm
If you would like to join this group please contact the church office.
This is an open group; come whenever you are able!
Reconciling in Christ
FELC is working towards becoming an RIC congregation.
More information about educational opportunities to come. If you have questions please contact someone on the RIC core team or the church office.

For the next few months, RIC Chats will be in the form of written information available in the newsletter or at church.
For information on what the ELCA believes check out their social statements.
to all of our dedicated individuals that volunteer their time, talents and resources to these outstanding educational ministries at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church!